Manage Carried Forward Leave

HR Duo System Guide

Manage Carried Forward Leave

Summary: Each year, you must manage your team's unused Annual Leave from the previous year. 



  1. Click on the red Manage Annual Leave Carried Forward box 

  2. This reminder will appear on the 1st day of your Calendar year, e.g. if your calendar year is from January to December, this will be available from January 1st.

  3. Remaining Leaves are unused hours/days 

  4. Annual Leave is your starting balance

  5. Leave Adjustments are extra days that you may have decided to give during the year

  6. Last years remaining leave and this years, goes into Next Year Annual Leave Carried Forward

  7. Robert is using leave by the hour, with 40 of those not used last year.

  8. If you decide they can be carried forward, click on the arrow, and select Save.

  9. If you need to change or override these, you can do this here.

  10. If you’re happy with all the remaining leaves, you can also simply click Fill All → (which you can also undo by clicking Cancel Fill All

  11. Scroll down to Save All.

For more information please submit a ticket on https://my.hrduo.com or on your HR Duo Go App and one of the support team will get back to you.